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MIT Navodila




​​​POST api/PurchaseOrder/AddPurchaseOrder


​​Request information

Body parameters

​​Name ​Description ​Type ​Additional info
​document_id ​Import document Num. ​string
expected_date​ datetime​
currency string​
text ​string​​
​article_id string​
​location_id ​string
​quantity decimal​
​price decimal​

​Request formats


    "orders": [







             "text":"Free text",

















​Response information

​Response formats

​​Name ​Description ​Type ​Additional information
​Error {"status":1,"description":"Incorret JSON structure."}
​Error {​"status":1,"description":"document_id - the Document with this number already exists."}
​Error {"status":1,"description":"Customer ID does not exist"}
​Error ​{"status":1,"description":"Article ID does not exist"}
​Error ​{"status":1,"description":"SQL ERROR insert into NA_NA_GL"}
​Error ​{"status":1,"description":"SQL ERROR insert into NA_NA_PP"}​
​Error ​{"status":1,"description":"Unit code does not exist"}
​Error ​{"status":1,"descritption":"Location ID does not exist or is not meant for materials"}

​​​Confirmation response

​​Name Description​ Type​ Additional information​
​Success {"status":0,"description":"OK"}
