Welcome to the instructions for the software package MIT

For ease of understanding and ease of use we suggest that you first read the instructions carefully.
At the beginning of instructions are general instructions for using MIT. The Getting Started section is found based on the work with the software package MIT, where we explain how to interpret the individual keys, windows selectors.
Since most of the data in the program package encrypted before opening the master data (eg, partners , articles, ... ) read instructions for encryption.
In order to successfully work with MIT is essential the correct settings for all types of documents used in the company. Particular attention should be paid to the warehouse and then material movements. In response to this we highly recommend reading Chapter of Commerce Logistics. Production companies, namely those that use work orders should refer to the chapter production. Rest of this chapter may be omitted.
Chapters here to follow the logic of arrangement of menus. When we are familiar with the basics , we can start writing the code lists and settings of the software package.
We wish you successful work using MIT!
The development team of SAOP team